Free Legal Assistance to Forcibly Displaced Persons from Artsakh was provided in Garni Community


On 10 May, 2024, free legal assistance was provided in Garni Community to the forcibly displaced persons from Artsakh in the framework of the “Strengthening of Rights Protection Mechanisms of Forcibly Displaced Persons from Nagorno Karabakh” Project.

During the meeting, the project lawyer Miss Marianna Avagyan, clarified a number of issues of concern to the people of Artsakh, were mainly related to the clarification of some provisions of the RA Government Decision N 1763-L of 12 October, 2023, the housing provision program developed by the RA Government for forcibly displaced persons, the procedure for restoration the record of the length of work, the possibility of extending the term of the temporary protection (refugee) certificate.

Ms Julietta Arustamyan, Executive Director of “Harmony” Shushi Women NGO, who is the Chairwoman of the Governing Board of the Network of CSOs for the Protection of the Rights of Forcibly Displaced from Nagorno-Krabakh, took part in the meeting as well.

To receive legal assistance forcibly displaced persons from Artsakh can call at: +374 10 540199 or write to the following e-mail address:

“Strengthening of Rights Protection Mechanisms of Forcibly Displaced Persons from Nagorno Karabakh” Project is implemented by the “Armenian Lawyers’ Association” NGO in cooperation with partner “Harmony” Shushi Women NGO in the framework of the “Justice Reforms Monitoring in Armenia” ( program implemented with the financial support of the European Union.

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the integration of FDPs from NK into their new communities of residence in Armenia, enhancing access to justice and raising the level of legal awareness by strengthening their rights protection mechanisms, 

This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

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