Success Stories

Justice prevails: The story of protecting an Artsakh Armenian family's rights

The story of protecting Gayane and her family's rights is not only a victory for one family but also a ray of hope for all those who are still fighting for their rights as a result of the forced displacement carried out by Azerbaijan. It proves that with perseverance and proper support, it is possible to achieve justice.

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Artsakh Armenian single mother reclaims family rights: ALA's latest success story

In September 2023, amid the military onslaught unleashed by Azerbaijani armed forces against Artsakh, Sinara Mkrtchyan and her two minor children found themselves among the forcibly displaced. Like tens of thousands of fellow Artsakh Armenians, they were compelled to abandon their hearth and home, seeking sanctuary in the Republic of Armenia.

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Family from Artsakh Receives Support Payments with Help from Armenian Lawyers' Association

Former Nagorno-Karabakh residents Armen and Varya Jalalyan had approached the ALA seeking legal assistance to obtain their October support payment.

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