Armenian Lawyers Association's Successful Case: Family Displaced from Artsakh Received Their Due Support

The Armenian Lawyers Association (ALA) once again proved its effectiveness by protecting the rights of a family forcibly displaced from Artsakh. Within the framework of the "Strengthening Protection Mechanisms for the Rights of Forcibly Displaced Persons from Nagorno-Karabakh" project, the ALA successfully resolved the issue of Nanar Ishkhanyan and her three minor children.
The family, who had crossed the RA border on May 2 and returned on May 9, had not received the support amounts for April and May (40+10 thousand drams). Despite an initial application to the Unified Social Service, the problem remained unresolved.
ALA lawyer Marianna Avagyan, based on the RA Government Decision N1763-L of October 12, 2023, prepared a well-founded letter and sent it to the USS. According to the decision, the monthly financial support for previous months is paid if the person was absent from the Republic of Armenia for less than 10 days during that month.
Thanks to the ALA's efforts, the result was not long in coming: Nanar Ishkhanyan's family's application was satisfied, and the support amounts for April and May were transferred.
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