Family from Artsakh Receives Support Payments with Help from Armenian Lawyers' Association

The Armenian Lawyers' Association (ALA) has successfully assisted a family forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh in receiving their rightful social assistance.
Former Nagorno-Karabakh residents Armen and Varya Jalalyan had approached the ALA seeking legal assistance to obtain their October support payment. They had been unable to collect the funds from "HayPost" in time, resulting in the money being returned to the responsible authority.
As part of the "Strengthening Mechanisms for Protecting the Rights of Forcibly Displaced Persons from Nagorno-Karabakh" project, the ALA prepared and sent a letter to the Unified Social Service (USS). The letter clarified that failure to collect the payment on time should not be grounds for denying social assistance.
Thanks to the ALA's efforts, the USS reviewed the situation and informed that the Jalalyans' October support payments have been transferred to the beneficiaries' bank accounts.
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