The regular meeting of the Network of CSOs for the Protection of the Rights of Forcibly Displaced Persons from Artsakh took place


On July 11, the Governing Board of the Network of CSOs for the Protection of the Rights of Forcibly Displaced Persons from Artsakh (hereinafter referred to as the Network) convened a meeting via the Zoom electronic platform.

The meeting was initiated by Karen Zadoyan, President of ALA and General Secretary of the Network, who presented a summary report on the activities conducted from February to July 8 within the framework of the Project.

During the meeting, several agenda items were discussed, notably the outcomes of the legal assistance provided by the Network's secretariat to the Armenians of Artsakh. Additionally, the Network addressed various issues, including the videos prepared on the legal problems faced by the Armenians of Artsakh and the matter of visits to relevant authorities.

During the discussion, Network members were introduced to the electronic platform for the protection of the rights of Artsakh Armenians and were informed about its launch schedule.

Following this, a discussion was conducted regarding the preparations for the presentation of the Network and the aforementioned electronic platform.

In summarizing the session, participants expressed their opinions on the actions implemented within the framework of the project and the electronic platform for the protection of the rights of Artsakh Armenians.

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